Sunday, 3 July 2016

Minion Finger Puppet

To make Minion finger puppets you will need:

Felt in yellow, blue and black. (Felt packs available in the Range)

Googley eyes

Cotton – I used black, blue and a see through thread.
Super glue
Card or paper for your template


The first and most important thing is to make a template that will fit around your finger after you’ve finished sewing. Draw a fat finger shape and then cut it out to check the fit.
Pin your finger template onto your yellow felt and cut around it. Do this twice so you have a front and a back piece.

Pin the template onto your blue felt and cut around it, this is for their dungarees. Chop a bit off the top and cut out the dungaree shape. I did this freehand but if you’re worried you could always cut your template into the shape you want first and then cut around that.
From your black felt cut out a long thin strip to use for the glasses, a small circle for the logo on their dungarees and two arms and hands. I did originally think of doing the arms as part of the main body but frankly it was a faff and I’m all about trying to keep things as simple as possible! This is what your assembled bits of felt should look like.

Next start sewing on the pieces that will be on the outside of your minion finger puppet, you need to do this before you sew the front and the back together. The order I did mine in was overalls, then black band for glasses, then the black circle. I left cutting the band for the eyes until the whole puppet was complete as I wanted to make sure it was the right length.

The next thing is the mouth.
Now you’re ready to sew the two pieces together. Pin them together with the black arms
in place where you want them, make sure they poke far enough in that your sewing will hold them in place.
Finally use some super glue to stick your googley eyes in place and your minion finger puppet is ready to go. Use one or two eyes depending on what minion you want to make.

(You can use super glue instead of sewing but if sewing please be careful)